
康乐, 陈明*
中国农业科学院作物科学研究所, 北京100081

通信作者:陈明;E-mail: chenming02@caas.cn;Tel: 010-82108789

摘 要:

17年间, 转基因作物在全球的种植面积逐渐扩大了100倍, 截止2012年已经达到1.7亿公顷, 产生了巨大的经济效益、社会效益和生态效益。我国转基因作物发展迅速, 目前已有7种转基因植物获得生产应用安全证书, 转基因棉花占全国棉花种植面积的80%。为保障转基因生物安全, 我国已建立了完整的转基因生物安全管理体系, 包括安全管理机构、政策、法规, 转基因生物及其产品如环境安全评价、食品安全性评价及成份测定的技术标准。另一方面, 我国转基因作物安全管理及安全评价体系仍然需要完善, 本文针对现阶段存在的问题提出了改进及完善的建议。同时, 本文分析了我国转基因作物舆情, 列举了近来国内外所谓的转基因作物安全事件并揭示了事件的真实情况, 提倡理性看待转基因作物的发展, 为我国转基因研发与产业化营造积极的舆论氛围。

关键词:转基因作物; 安全管理; 安全评价; 作物舆情; 安全性事件

收稿:2013-05-06   修定:2013-05-28


GMO Biosafety Management, Suggestions and Biotech Public Acceptance in China

Crop Science Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science, Beijing 100081, China

Corresponding author: CHEN Ming; E-mail: chenming02@caas.cn; Tel: 010-82108789


GM crops have been commercialized for 17 years all over the world, and brought great economic, social and ecological benefits to growers and the world. China has approved 7 GM crops for planting, among which Bt cotton accounts for 80% of cotton planting area. In this article, we reviewed development and application of GM crop internationally and domestically. The policy on GM crops in China including regulations, guidelines, food and environmental safety assessment are also briefly introduced. Some existing problems and suggestions on China’s biosafety management and regulator process are also described in this review. Finally, the authors advocate rational understanding of GM crops to create a positive atmosphere for public acceptance, which will benefit research, development and ommercialization of GM crops in China.

Key words: GMO; biosafety management; biosafety assessment; public acceptance; biosafety issue

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